Sunday, December 12, 2010

More ninja hats!

This is just a sample!

ninja hats!

ninja ninja

Here is the ninja with his badass ninja costume!

Naked ninja!

So here is one of the ninjas, he currently has no costume applied, thus his nakedness.
the first costume im going to make for him is his ninja outfit.

Ninja thumbs

These are just some thumbs I did trying to come up with some cool poses for the ninjas to fall in.

More to come later.


Hey internet, I decided to try my hand at making a dress up game with ninjas, so here we go:

Hopefully I can have costumes and outfits such as 'cowboy', 'astronaut' and 'Santa', which can be mixed and matched to form some sort of glorious santa-cowboy-astronaut-ninja hybrid. Of course the costumes arn't limited to those three, but If I posted the entire list right now It would only overwhelm the both of us.

So, sit back and strap yourself in. I guess.